We have two stores located in Wimbledon Village and Cobham Surrey.
- Cobham - 25 Oakdene Parade Cobham, KT11 2LR - 07575 804 896
- Wimbledon - 22 High Street Wimbledon Village, SW19 5DX - 07533875983
By submitting your item for sale to or through Phoenix Style you guarantee that your item is free from finance, theft, and is guaranteed authentic. We reserve the right to have any item checked by experts and reserve the right to return it to you and request a full refund should these terms not be met. Phoenix Style has a zero tolerance to the sale of counterfeits in our store or online and we will take action against anyone attempting to do so.
We only accept items that are presented for sale washed or professionally cleaned, however we are happy to have the items cleaned for you and will deduct the price of the cleaning from your fee.
We strive to achieve a good return on the item for both of us, however we also want to succeed in selling the items for you as quickly as we can, so it’s important to strike the right balance when valuing the item. The highest price we can normally get for something in the shop is around half of its original retail price, this depends on the condition, when it was purchased, demand for and general saleability of the item.
Your items are put out for sale for 8 weeks, after 4 weeks we reduce the item by 10% and a further 10% after another 2 weeks, after that if your items are not collected we reduce the items down by 25% in total. Twice a year we have a end of season sale where we will reduce everything by 50%. Please ensure you collect your items if you do not wish for them to be reduced or added to the sale.
Unsold items need to be collected after the allotted 8 weeks and we rely on you to contact us and claim your money so we can have it all prepared for you. Unfortunately, due to lack of storage, items that aren’t claimed 2 weeks after your final date will automatically go to charity, but your money owed can be claimed at any time.
We offer 50% commission after taxes on all items that are sold on the shop floor under the price of £1500 anything over that we will negotiate a fee with you. Payments are made to consignment suppliers on a monthly basis for the items sold in the prior month, usually by the 15th of each month.
Things are often put on our website and social media platforms as well as the shop floor which allows them to sell faster but this it at our discretion — unfortunately we can only list a select number of items.